The swagmans Journey through the forest

One cold winter day a swagman named Jim went to sleep early one night. Harry, Jims dog went missing. In the morning Jim woke up in shock because Harry was missing because Harry would usually wake Jim up at 7:00 but he didn’t. Then Jim got up in a flash and packed some biscuits and a rope and food for himself.

He got the biscuits out to see if Harry could smell them. Then Jim heard a loud bark, then Jim looked around and then Jim saw a hole so Jim ran up to the hole and Jim heard another bark. It was Harry.
Jim got his rope out of his bag then Jim ran back to the hole. Then he threw the rope down the hole so Harry could bite on the rope. Then Jim pulled the rope as hard as he could and Harry put his paws on the dirt wall to help Jim get him out of the hole. Jim got Harry out of the hole.

Then they had to find somewhere to sleep for the night. They found a nice shady tree and a billabong. And they stayed there for the night. In the morning Harry woke Jim up so they could walk home. And when they got home their house was burnt down. So they had to go back to the shady tree and the billabong.

When they got there again Jim built a little tent out of sticks. Then Jim said “We will live here forever.” Then Jim saw a sheep drinking his water. Then Jim grabbed the sheep and put the sheep in a bag. Then Jim jumped in joy and the sheep got out of the bag. Then Jim chased the sheep again and he got the sheep in the bag again and tied the bag. Next Jim saw three men and the three men said “Hey what are you doing with that sheep sir?” Then Jim started running away from the three men then he let the sheep go and he jumped in the billabong and drowned and he never came back up to shore.

They say that whoever lurks around the billabong will never return home again!